5 ways to donate to charity


Charities across Canada depend on your generosity. Here are ideas for donating to various charitable causes.


1/3 Donate items you don't need to charity causes

Donate items you don’t need to charitable causes


We all have things in our homes that we don't need: clothes, toys, furniture, and sports equipment. Rather than throwing them away, take lightly used items that you no longer want to charities and thrift stores. It's a great way to extend their lifespan and help those in need, not to mention decluttering your home.


To keep things manageable, tackle one area of ​​your home at a time, including closets, garage, basement, and other spaces that often become dumping grounds for unnecessary items. Sort by categories: keep, throw away, repair, sell or give away. Get your whole family involved and de-clutter!


Donate volunteer time to your favorite charitable causes


Canadians of all ages are generous with their time. In 2010, we volunteered 2 billion hours, according to Statistics Canada.


The most common activities were fundraising and organizing events, followed by participation on a committee or board of directors; teaching or mentoring; collecting, serving or delivering food; advice and support; office work.


Even if you can only donate a few hours per month, there are many organizations that could use your help. Find opportunities to give time to Volunteer Canada, Be Volunteer, Volunteer Action! Canada and Charity Village.


2/3 Dollars also matter for charities

Dollars also matter for charities


For many charities, the most valuable gift to give is money - in 2010 alone, we gave $ 10.6 billion, an average of $ 446 per donor.


Contact your favorite associations or visit their sites to make a donation - even a small one. To identify charities or raise funds for causes you support, visit CanadaHelps.org. You can make monthly donations, which is more attractive to these organizations than a year-end donation because it reduces administrative costs and makes cash flow more predictable. You can also donate securities (stocks, bonds, and mutual funds) or leave an inheritance (a gift in your will).


Need information about a charity? Consult the Canada Revenue Agency's list of charities to learn more about their activities and finances. The CRA also provides information on charitable donation tax credits, including a calculator.



3/3 Help reduce hunger pangs by donating to a charitable cause

Help reduce hunger pangs by donating to charity


There are people across Canada who do not have enough to eat. Food Banks Canada reports that approximately 850,000 people go through food banks each month, and more than a third are children and youth.


How to participate? Donate food or money, volunteer at a food bank or fundraiser. You can also support a program like Second Harvest, which collects excess food from retailers, restaurants, caterers and manufacturers and gives it to community organizations in Toronto. (Want to start a food salvage program in your area? Check out advice from New York City Harvest).


You can also put your time and talents at the service of the Sustainable Food Network, a national coalition to reduce hunger in Canada and ensure safe, healthy and sustainable food.


Share your skills with charitable organizations


Like any organization, charities often need specific skills to support their projects and campaigns. Put your knowledge to work for them!


You would be surprised at the range of skills required. Recent postings on ActionBenevoleCanada.ca, for example, included: IT consultant, graphic designer, researcher, social media volunteers, translator, gardening host, public relations specialists.


Check out if there is something for your talents! You can focus your volunteering research on your interests and skills.


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