stackoverflow questions
A charity
1. Find out information about a charity
or organisation.
2. Write short paragraphs presenting
the information. If it helps, write
questions for titles and answer them:
e.g. Who do they help?
3. Draw or stick pictures for decoration.
• W h e n d i d I s l a m i c R e l i e f s t a r t ?
• W h o d o t h e y h e l p ?
• W h a t a r e t h e i r p l a n s f o r t h e f u t u r e ?
I s lam ic Re lief
4a What an adventure!
A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. Don’t forget to a room for next weekend.
2. You must follow many rules when scuba-diving.
3. Mike’s for books led him to become a writer.
4. Faisal is a very interesting young man. He’s travelled around the and speaks four languages.
5. The of the hotel is perfect. It’s by the sea.
6. Harry made a terrible on his new Maths teacher.
7. Last year’s holiday in Makkah was the most experience I’ve ever had!
8. Mr Ameer is a(n) teacher.
book passion location safety impression enjoyable globe experienced
B. Label the types of holiday.
D. Make one sentence using so and one using such.
1. The book was popular. It became a best-seller.
2. Peter runs very fast. He won the race.
3. The thobes were very nice. Saleh bought three of them.
4. The camping holiday was very enjoyable. Jason decided to go again.
5. Jeddah is a beautiful city. Lots of tourists visit it every year.
6. It was a boring documentary. Jake fell asleep.
E. Circle the correct words.
1. The exhibition was so / such interesting that 10,000 people visited it every day.
2. Fay was such / so shocked when she heard the news that she couldn’t speak.
3. It was such / so an expensive trip that we decided not to go.
4. The children were so / such hungry that they ate their sandwiches in minutes.
5. Hamid is such / so a good student that his parents are proud of him.
6. Parking in the city centre is such / so di__icult that people usually take the bus.
C. Complete the dialogue using so or such.
Rita So, what did you do at the weekend?
Tina Well, I called my friend Betty and invited her to
my place. She was feeling (1) down that I
decided to surprise her by making her dinner.
Rita Oh, how nice of you! I’m sure she loved it!
Tina Well, my dinner didn’t work out very well. I got
this recipe from a friend at school. It was (2)
an easy recipe that a little girl could make it. That’s
what my friend said, anyway.
Rita And was it?
Tina Not really. It needed a lot of things, so my brother
o_fered to go to the supermarket and get them for
me while I cleaned the house.
Rita Did he come back in time?
Tina Well, he waited for (3) a long time to pay
that he had to run back home so I could _inish
before Betty arrived. Anyway, I prepared the dish
quickly, put it in the oven and sat down to relax a
bit. But I was (4) tired that I fell asleep.
Rita Oh, no!
Tina I only woke up when Betty rang the bell. Of course,
the food was burnt.
Rita Did you try to cook something else?
Tina No, I was (5) annoyed with myself that
I didn’t even want to go near the kitchen. Good
thing Betty had brought some snacks.
Rita Any good?
Tina Yes, delicious.
4b The great outdoors
A. Match. Then complete the sentences with the phrases.
1. make
2. have some time
3. at all
4. waste
5. give me
6. from time
a. times
b. time
c. to time
d. a hard time
e. your time
f. to kill
1. My parents when I don’t tidy
my bedroom.
2. Don’t looking for a new camera.
You can have my old one.
3. , I like to go _ishing.
4. Please wear your boots .
5. I always try to to ring my
grandfather, although I’m usually busy.
6. We before the match starts.
How about getting something to eat?
B. Read and choose a, b or c.
4. Jeff told his son mud at his brother.
a. don’t throw b. to not throw c. not to throw
1. The farmer asked the bucket to the shed.
a. to take me b. me to take c. me take
Take this bucket to the
shed, please.
Don’t feed the
Use the other spade! Don’t throw mud at your brother.
C. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech and the words given.
3. My father told me the other spade.
a. to use b. not to use c. use
2. The man told us the chickens.
a. to don’t feed b. to not feed c. not to feed
2. ‘Stay here and be quiet,’ Mr Kline
said to his son. ordered
1. ‘Steer clear of the cows,’ my uncle said to me. told
3. ‘Don’t play football here,’ the man said to the boys. told
4. ‘Turn the volume down, please,’
Bob said to Lee. asked
6. ‘Don’t close the window, please,’ the man said to Ethan. asked
5. ‘Get Roberts on the phone!’
Mr Mitchell said to Oliver. ordered
D. Complete the dialogue w with the sentences a-e.
a. Don’t talk nonsense.
b. It’s a good laugh.
c. Take your time.
Alice Hi, Sandra.
Sandra Hello. Where were you yesterday evening?
Alice I was at my cookery class.
Sandra Oh, yes. How’s it going?
Alice (1) I’ve learnt loads of new things.
Yesterday we made pasta sauce with coffee in it.
Sandra (2)
Alice Actually, it was delicious.
Sandra I don’t know why you’re taking that course. It
sounds like a waste of time to me.
Alice (3) It’s really useful and I’ve made some
new friends. Of course, sometimes things go
wrong. Last week I was making a pancake
with a frying pan and chatting with another girl.
Sandra Ha, ha, ha. Sounds like you! Do you think I would
like it, then?
Alice Yeah, I do. Listen, let me give you a number to
ring so you can ask about the course.
Sandra OK.
Alice Where is it now?... I had it here somewhere.
Sandra (5) I’m not in a hurry to get anywhere.
• W here were you?
• Who were you wit h?
• What happene d?
• How did you feel?
E. Write a diary page and include something funny that has happened to you.
d. That’s disgusting.
e. The next thing I knew, I burnt it.
4c What went wrong?
A. Choose a, b or c.
1. Abdulaziz was with his computer so he took it back to the shop.
a. disorganised b. unpleasant c. dissatisfied
2. Mike his flight, so he had to catch another one.
a. threw b. missed c. lost
3. I’m sorry but you can’t get on the plane without a .
a. passport b. passenger c. suitcase
4. The hotel was even better than it looked in the .
a. cabin b. brochure c. agency
5. I’m going to to see if we can have a bigger room.
a. complaint b. service c. reception
6. The hotel was so I felt like a king staying there.
a. tasteless b. luxurious c. patient
7. It’s easy to of money during your holidays when you’re not careful.
a. break down b. pack c. run out
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. Don’t be . Dinner will be ready when it’s ready. PATIENT
2. I with you. I don’t think it’s a good idea. AGREE
3. She was very upset because all her efforts were . SUCCESSFUL
4. It was of George not to say hello. POLITE
5. These shoes are very . I’m never wearing them again. COMFORTABLE
6. I’m sorry but it’s for me to be there before eight o’clock. POSSIBLE
7. That’s . I’ve never seen an umbrella like that before. USUAL
8. My cat has . I can’t find it anywhere. APPEAR
C. Complete the sentences and do the crossword.
1. How did you manage to get ?
You only stayed on the beach for half an hour!
2. I think there’s going to be a(n)
of about two hours. Let’s get something to eat.
3. What time did you the ship?
4. It was a to see Frank after so
many years. I couldn’t believe it.
5. One of the reasons this cruise ship is popular is
that the are very friendly and
6. Did you hear what the captain’s
was about?
Hello Ken,
How’s your studying going? We’re
having a great time camping. I didn’t
think I’d like it but it’s good fun. I’ve
created a new soup recipe and your
dad really loves it. Neil hardly touches
it. He just eats sandwiches and crisps
but I sleep all right. Must be the fresh
country air.
Talk to you soon,
all day. My tent is a bit uncomfortable,
Dear Ken,
Sorry you can’t be with us. We’re having
lots of fun. Our new tents are brilliant
and we’ve found a great place right next
to a river. Your brother and I had our first
experience fishing but we were unsuccessful,
which wasn’t a shock. We had good fun,
though. Your mum keeps making a very
unpleasant soup. I offered to make some
dinner, but she says she doesn’t mind
cooking for us. What can I do?
Take care,
D. Read the three postcards and answer the questions below. Write M for Mum, D for Dad or N for Neil.
1. Who isn’t having a good time?
2. Who hasn’t been sleeping well?
3. Who wants to go home?
4. Who didn’t expect to have a good time?
5. Who tried a new activity? and
6. Who expected to be bad at something?
Hi Bro!
You’re so lucky. I can’t wait to go to university so I can
avoid these trips with Mum and Dad. I spent yesterday
afternoon fi shing with Dad. I pretended to have fun, but it
was tiring. Mum has come up with a new soup recipe and
it’s disgusting. She thinks Dad loves it so she’s making it
every day. Also, I want my room back, I can’t sleep in my
See you soon,
f 113
4d Going abroad
A. Complete the crossword.
1. The hairy parts on your face above your
2. To make an expression with your mouth to
show you are happy.
3. To greet someone by holding their hand
and moving it up and down.
4. To move your hand from side to side to say
hello or goodbye.
5. To move your head up and down to show
you agree with something.
6. To say hello when you meet someone.
B. Choose the correct words.
1. We had to refuse / remove our shoes before entering the house.
2. Jack is very rude. He didn’t owe / accept my gift.
3. Are you familiar of / with this book?
4. My friend offered me a gift / host to welcome me.
5. Edward offends / owes me a lot of money. When is he going to
give it back?
6. Whoever knows the answer, please raise / point your hand.
7. The parents got very angry with their child’s bad custom /
8. What’s that on your forehead / shoulders? Did you hurt your
head again?
C. Match.
1. I’m going to paint this wall black.
2. Have you seen Sally and Linda lately?
3. What happened when you fell o_f the chair?
4. I told them a joke but nobody laughed.
5. Are you going to visit your friend in Geneva?
a. Everyone started laughing. I made a fool of myself.
b. Actually, I bumped into them on my way home today.
c. Are you serious? It’ll look horrible.
d. No. I had to refuse the invitation.
e. Maybe you’ve o_fended them in some way.
What time does the museum open?
Do you know
4e Holiday plans
A. Read the questions and complete the bubbles, forming indirect questions.
B. The e-mail below is supposed to be semi-formal. Rewrite it in an appropriate style.
3 4
How much do I have to pay?
How much do skis cost at the resort? What facilities are available?
Can you please tell me
Could you let me know
Would you inform me about
Manchester Bus Tour
Hi Mr Ingles,
I saw your ad for the
Manchester Bus Tour in the
newspaper. I want more info
about it. Which sights does
the tour go to? Also, what kind
of food do you provide for
lunch? Last thing, how big does
a group have to be to get a
special offer?
Take care,
Jim Bowen
• See a ll the sight s
• Lunch provi ded
• S p e c i a l o f f e r s
for groups
4 Round-up
A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. The said there would be a 2-hour delay. ANNOUNCE
2. This Maths problem is to solve. I just can’t do it. POSSIBLE
3. I couldn’t sleep well because the bed was . COMFORTABLE
4. This salad is . Can you give me the salt? TASTE
5. I need to join the gym. I’m really . FIT
6. Before going to the zoo, all the children were full of . EXCITE
7. There are some discounts at that shop. BELIEVE
8. Would it be to ask you to take off your shoes? POLITE
B. Choose a, b or c.
1. You’re looking very this evening, Anthony.
a. luxurious b. smart c. enjoyable
2. The ski instructor we had was very .
a. experienced b. delayed c. minimum
3. When the horse left the , I had to clean it up.
a. stable b. cabin c. resort
4. I’ll try to some time to visit Tom this afternoon.
a. pass b. spend c. make
5. If all the are on board, we can leave.
a. passports b. hosts c. passengers
6. Why are you ? I know you don’t agree with me.
a. shaking b. nodding c. pointing
7. A: I into Saleh the other day.
B: Really? How is he?
a. poured b. bumped c. tapped
8. We have no but to wait here for Dad to pick us up.
a. slope b. behaviour c. choice
D. Rewrite using Direct Speech.
1. Edwin asked us to go camping with him.
2. Mr Gibson told me to take a break in half an hour.
3. The man asked me to help him find his cabin.
4. John told me to pack my suitcase.
5. The police officer asked us not to speak.
6. My teacher told me to raise my hand.
C. Choose a, b or c.
1. A: I’m sure I won’t win the competition.
a. It’s a good laugh.
b. Don’t talk nonsense.
c. Don’t waste time.
2. A: I have to get ready.
B: We’re not late or anything.
a. Take your time.
b. From time to time.
c. Make some time.
3. A:
B: Were you really embarrassed?
a. I was unpleasant.
b. I made a fool of myself.
c. I was disorganised.
4. A:
B: Yes, I think they liked me.
a. Did you make a good impression?
b. Did you have a passion for it?
c. Were they familiar with you?
E. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.
1. ‘Omar, give me that brochure, please,’ said Khaled.
2. ‘Don’t push me, Tim,’ Mark said.
3. ‘Be quiet and sit down,’ said my teacher.
My teacher
4. ‘Please help me with my homework, Hasna,’ said Sahar.
5. ‘Stop eating junk food and start exercising,’ the doctor said to Mr Green.
The doctor
The Republic of Malta is a group of three islands, just off the
coast of Sicily. Malta, Gozo and Comino are rich in history and
culture. They are found right in the middle of the Mediterranean,
which means sun all year round, making it a perfect holiday
Malta is the largest island with a population of about
400,000. The capital is Valletta and its population
is about 6500. Here you can visit museums and see lovely
historic architecture. The largest city on the island is Birkirkara
with a population of 21,775. Of course, the main reason people
visit Malta is for the beautiful beaches and clear blue waters and
you don’t have to go far to find them.
Gozo is the greenest of the three islands. It is covered with
beautiful Mediterranean trees. If you want to relax in
the sun, go to Ramla Bay, which is famous for its red sand and
clear blue waters.
1. Where is the Republic of Malta?
2. What’s the weather usually like there?
3. Which city on Malta has the largest population?
4. Why does the writer say Gozo is the ‘greenest’ island?
F. Read the text and answer the questions.
Comino is the smallest of the islands with a
population of just 8! There are a few
buildings on the island, but no cars! It’s the perfect place
for those who want a bit of peace and quiet. Comino’s
Blue Lagoon is a popular place for water sports, especially
5. What is Ramla Bay famous for?
6. How many people live on Comino?
7. Why are there no petrol stations on Comino?

The only place to do water sports!
SAR40 0
per hour
Thu & Fri: 12pm-3pm
per 2-hour session
Every day except Friday
A water sports resort
1. Make a poster for your own water park.
2. Think of a good title and write it in big letters.
3. Think of the different activities you can do
there: e.g. sailing, waterskiing, canoeing, etc.
4. Draw or stick pictures of the activities and write
information about each one, such as:
• What are the opening hours and when can
you do each activity?
• How much does it cost? Are there any special
• Is there an instructor?
• How old do you have to be?
B. Complete with the words in the boxes.
A. Put the words in the correct group and add one more word to each group.
robber point board lantern chin cruise burglar candle safari
bow streamer eyebrow cheek guided city tour thief nod signal
pickpocket backpacking suitcase shoulder passport brochure decoration
C. Match the sentences 1_6 with the sentences a-f.
reckon engaged point impossible passion
Why not pick entered excitement lift
Dad Hey, Derek, how are you?
Derek Just fine, Dad. I’m waiting for a friend to (1) me up.
We are going to an exhibition together.
Dad Oh, do you want me to give you two a (2) ?
Derek No, it’s fine. I (3) James will be here any minute now.
Dad James? Are you sure?
Derek Yes. Why?
Dad Today it’s the hang-gliding competition and I know he (4) it. I talked to his dad this morning.
Derek What? That’s (5) .
Dad Maybe with all the (6) , he forgot to tell you.
Derek I’m calling him right now. Wait... oh, no. It’s (7) .
Dad Did you have tickets for the exhibition?
Derek Yes! We booked them weeks ago online! How could he forget?
Dad Don’t get upset. You know he has a (8) for extreme sports. And the competition is
only once a year.
Derek You have a (9) . We can go to the exhibition together.
Dad (10) ?
a. I couldn’t hear myself think.
b. You can say that again.
c. Take your time. I’m not in a hurry.
d. From time to time.
e. It’s the other way around, actually.
f. Jim, I know. I had a word with him today.
1. Do you ever work out at home?
2. Why did you turn the TV off?
3. These fireworks are very impressive!
4. Todd is American and Jeff British, right?
5. You won’t believe who I bumped into today.
6. I’ll be ready in two minutes.
1. The machine turned into / out to be more useful
than I thought.
2. Don’t pretend / predict you don’t know anything
about the trip! I know you do.
3. All of a sudden, John got up and left. It just doesn’t
make sense / impression.
4. Are you aware / familiar with this area? I don’t
know my way around.
5. It’s very likely / wisely to rain later today, so take
your umbrella.
6. The police told us to steer clear / free of the
building which was on fire.
7. We went to the manager because we were really
dissatisfied / unpleasant with the service.
8. We waved / tapped at Frank until his train
disappeared in the distance.
D. Circle the correct words. E. Choose a or b.
1. In the future, you won’t be able to / can’t take
this bus to the city centre.
2. A: May / Will you come with me to the library
B: Sorry, but I have to / need finish my
3. Do we need / Need we take the bus to the city
centre? We can always walk.
4. I called Jack, but he wasn’t at home. He can /
must be at work.
5. You don’t have to / don’t need bring anything to
the picnic. My mother will cook.
6. Ken had to / didn’t have to be at work early, but
he overslept.
7. Will you be able to / Will you need to help me
with my project?
8. They might / must leave now if they want to
catch the plane.
9. Would / May you like some cake for dessert?
10. They needn’t / don’t need be here before 9.
F. Circle the correct words.
1. Do you eat sweet or food at the
a. savoury b. lively
2. After a wonderful dinner, we thanked our
and went home.
a. guests b. hosts
3. Dr Murphy is a scientist who studies
a. marine b. seaside
4. The school organised a event to help
the poor.
a. donation b. fundraising
5. He felt completely in a city where he
knew nobody.
a. harmless b. helpless
G. Complete with so / such.
1. Steve is a nice person that everyone
likes him.
2. Alex is shy that he rarely talks to
3. It was a lovely day that we decided
to take a walk around the city.
4. He was stressed that he didn’t do
well in his exam.
5. This gadget is useful that everyone
should have one.
6. The Wilsons are wonderful guests
that people invite them for dinner all the time.
7. It took Ian a long time to park that
he was late for work.
8. The Maths problem was difficult that
the students couldn’t solve it.
9. Saleh is a great neighbour that
everybody likes him.
10. Abdullah and Hamid are nice kids
that their parents are really proud of them.
H. Change the sentences from the Active to the Passive Voice.
1. They feed the animals at the zoo at 6am.
The animals
2. The rescue team saved the trapped men.
The trapped men
3. They don’t sell mobile phones in this shop.
Mobile phones
4. The earthquake caused a lot of damage.
A lot of damage
5. The police didn’t arrest the two shoplifters.
The two shoplifters
6. A man took our suitcases to the hotel.
Our suitcases
7. They built a new park in the area.
A new park
I. Complete the sentences with the full infinitive, bare
infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Rob always makes me
(do) the washing-up.
2. I hope (see) you again
3. William enjoys (read)
books in his free time.
4. Let’s go (sail) tomorrow.
The weather is going to be perfect.
5. Will you stop (scream)?
I can’t understand you.
6. We arranged (meet)
outside the shopping centre.
7. I don’t mind (work) at the
8. Sally promised (keep) our
J. Choose a, b or c.
1. If you in the sun for too long, you would get
a. sat b. would sit c. were sitting
2. They wouldn’t let you enter the museum if you
a ticket.
a. didn’t buy b. bought c. could buy
3. If I were you, I to my friend.
a. will apologise b. would apologise c. apologised
4. If my parents agreed, I a successful chef.
a. become b. could become c. will become
5. The team all their matches if they played better.
a. would lose b. wouldn’t lose c. don’t lose
6. If the rain , I’d leave the house.
a. didn’t stop b. had stopped c. stopped
7. If I exams next week, I’d study hard.
a. had b. didn’t have c. wouldn’t have
8. If Ian had more money, he a house.
a. bought b. would buy c. will buy
9. If it so cold, I’d go swimming.
a. would be b. weren’t c. was
10. If I part in the swimming competition, I’d win.
a. would take b. took c. didn’t take
11. My father enjoys to work, but he takes the bus.
a. to drive b. drive c. driving
12. I get you something to drink? What about a
glass of orange juice?
a. Can b. Must c. Need
13. I’d tell Ian about Keith’s accident if I him.
a. will see b. saw c. see
14. Mary cut while she was peeling the potatoes.
a. her b. hers c. herself
15. Jizan is famous for its fruit.
a. A b. The c. —
16. I feel exhausted and I sleep at night.
a. wouldn’t b. ’m not able to c. needn’t
17. Saud is a very clever student. He did all his Science
homework by .
a. his b. him c. himself
18. Mike work out every day, but he says he doesn’t
have a lot of free time.
a. can’t b. might c. should
L. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.
Please lend me some money.
1. The teacher
Study for your History exam.
2. Tom
3. Mark
4. Terry
Come to London immediately!
Write an e-mail to Jack.
Open the window.
Don’t interrupt me when I’m on the phone, please.
5. Paul
6. Jake
7. The teacher
8. She asked Melanie
Turn on the TV, please!
Give me a call on Thursday morning, OK?
K. Write questions. The words in bold are the answers.
1. A: What ?
B: Paul lost his passport on his way to the airport.
2. A: Who ?
B: John and Ryan tried scuba-diving.
3. A: Which ?
B: The silver car is my brother’s.
4. A: Who ?
B: My sister always gives me a hard time.
Use this checklist to record what you can do (Column 1 = me). Ask someone else, for example your teacher,
to also assess what they think you can do (Column 2 = my teacher). Use column 3 to mark those things which
you cannot yet do but which you feel are important (Column 3 = goals).
Add to the list - perhaps with the help of your teacher - other things you can do, or that are important for
your English learning at this stage.
Self-assessment (What I can do in English)
Use the following symbols:
In columns 1 and 2 In column 3
3 I can do this under normal circumstances ! This is one of my goals
33 I can do this easily
my teacher/
my goals
Listening 1 2 3
I can understand when someone speaks clearly to me on subjects I’m
familiar with.
I can understand clear short conversations about topics I’m familiar with.
I can understand the essential information in short recorded passages
dealing with everyday matters which are spoken clearly.
I can understand short, simple stories when told clearly and slowly.
I can understand the main point in short, simple messages and
I can understand the main point and some details of a telephone
conversation on a topic I’m familiar with.
I can understand when people are talking about the present or the past.
I can understand short radio extracts which are spoken clearly.
I can understand short TV programmes with the help of images.
I can understand simple, concrete instructions about how to use
materials and equipment.
I can also …
Reading 1 2 3
I can understand a simple personal letter in which the writer tells or asks
me about everyday life.
I can _ind the most important information in simple newspaper or
magazine articles with the help of names and pictures.
I can understand short narratives in simple language.
I can _ind the most important information in information lea_lets.
I can understand instructions when expressed in simple language.
I can understand basic types of standard letters/e-mails (giving advice,
inviting, etc.).
I can understand whether a text refers to the present or the past.
I can use the overall meaning of short texts to guess the meaning of
unknown words from the context.
I can also …
Speaking 1 2 3
I can describe my hobbies and interests.
I can present the advantages and disadvantages of something familiar.
I can narrate events and experiences.
I can describe events (e.g. festivals).
I can discuss with other people what to do, where to go and make
arrangements to meet.
I can make and respond to invitations.
I can agree and disagree.
I can say what I like and dislike, giving reasons why.
I can express my opinion on a practical problem.
I can express feelings such as enthusiasm.
I can ask for, give and refuse permission.
I can make requests and o_er to help.
I can handle simple telephone calls (e.g. say who is calling, ask to speak
to someone, give my number, take a simple message).
I can ask for and give advice on familiar topics.
I can answer simple questions and respond to simple statements in an
Writing 1 2 3
I can write a description of an invention.
I can write a story and describe the main characters’ feelings.
I can use the most important linking words to show the chronological
order of events (first, then, after, later).
I can write a paragraph on a familiar topic, discussing advantages or
disadvantages and giving my opinion.
I can use linking words/phrases to express contrast, resultconsequence,
cause-reason and to list points.
I can write a short letter or e-mail of invitation.
I can describe an event using simple sentences and report what
happened, when and where (e.g. an accident).
I can write a letter or e-mail to a friend asking for or giving advice.
I can write a letter or e-mail asking for information.
I can also …
Writing Section
Writing P 1e lan: A paragraph expressing your opinion
ideas for your
Before you write:
• What are you writing?
• Why are you writing?
State your opinion:
Make a general comment to sum up your opinion.
What topic are you expressing
your opinion about?
What are the advantages or the
Writing Section
2e Writing Plan: A description of an event
ideas for your
An overall opinion about the event:
A general comment about the event:
Who takes part:
Are any preparations
What do people do?
Do people eat any
special dishes?
Before you write:
• What are you writing about?
• Why are you writing?
Writing Plan: An informal e-mail/letter based on prompts
ideas for your
Before you write:
• What are you writing?
• Who are you writin g to?
Use an appropriate greeting.
Begin your e-mail/letter by referring to your friend’s e-mail/letter.
Comment on his/her news.
End your e-mail/letter in an appropriate way (e.g. asking your friend to write back soon, etc.).
Use an appropriate phrase (e.g.: Take care, Bye for now, etc.).
Write your first name.
Express enthusiasm Make a suggestion Ask for something
4e Writing Plan: A semi-formal letter asking for information
Writing Section
ideas for your
B efore you w rite:
• Why are yo u writing this letter?
• Who are you writing the let ter to?
How will you begin your letter?
Say where you saw the advertisement and why you are writing.
Cost for 1 week?
Any special o_fers
in August?
Minimum age
for sports?
Which sports?
Thank the person and mention you would like a reply as soon as possible.
Close with an appropriate phrase.
Write your full name.
The Grammar Book contains:
• Structures presented in
meaningful contexts
• Clear explanations and illustrative
• Carefully graded exercises
• Communicative activities
• Oral and written practice
• Revision sections
Grammar Book

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