وصف حيوان بالانجليزي
تعبير كتابي عن وصف حيوان بالانجليزي

موضوع عن القرد بالانجليزية

➥ Description of a monkey :

" The beautiful monkeys like to climb in the majestic trees. They also like to eat good yellow bananas. Their hair is brown, they have big hands and long legs. Finally, the monkeys are very intelligent . "

وصف حيوان القط

وصف حيوان القط
تعبير عن قطه بالانجليزي
عبارات قصيره عن القطط بالانجليزي
مقدمة عن الحيوانات بالانجليزي
بحث عن الحيوانات بالانجليزية
القط بالانجليزي
وصف حيوان الحصان

➥ Description of a cat :

" Mephisto, it's my cat, and it's black, but black! Black like coal, with a long curved tail, very hot and very soft. He has eyes glittering like stars. He loves caresses and hates rain. When he is fighting, his voice goes up and down faster than a violin. Often, he wanders on the gray and cold roofs, sniffs the rabbit in the pressure cooker and the hot milk in the pan ... And he always guesses what I think . "

وصف حيوان كلب

➥ Description of a dog :

" Gaston, it's my dog, it's a cocker spaniel. He has been living with us for four years. It's really a member of the family. As he hates his niche, he sleeps in a basket in the living room; as soon as he can, he loves to sneak into my room and sleep on the carpet. When he arrived home, he was very small, and a little ridiculous with his long ears touching the ground. Now he is an adult, he is very elegant with his long tawny fur. Gaston knows my schedule and he sleeps under my table when I study. He understands when I'm sad and to console me, he stays close to me, paws on my lap. He is the ideal friend, he is discreet and faithful; I can tell him everything . "

And that's all you can know to learn how to describe an animal in French! Now it's time to check out our other vocabulary sheets to discover other useful lexicons.

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