تعبير  معلومات تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز عن  تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز عن. عندي بحث بالانجليزي  موضوع عن لبنان بالانجليزي
النقل المواصلات في لبنان بالانجليزي خريطة المواصلات في لبنان
الشركة اللبنانية للمواصلات (lcc) النقل العام في لبنان التكاسي في لبنان
النقل المشترك  خطوط النقل العام  باصات بيروت مطار بيروت الدولي

Transport and travel Lebanon

How to travel in Lebanon?

Lebanon is a very small country; it takes about 3 hours to cross it from end to end. Most people use public taxis to get around, many of which, like buses, follow fixed routes. Buses also connect Beirut and other major cities, but their frequency is lower compared to that of the collective taxis. Bus and car rental (basic) are cheap.

The bus

It is the most popular means of transportation. The service is not very regular and vehicles are few. Buses are inexpensive.

Public buses in Beirut's urban network are often red and white, or beige. There is no map of bus routes, destinations or line number are indicated on a sign placed behind the glass of each bus.

Interurban connections serve the main cities of Lebanon from Beirut (Byblos, Tripoli, Tire, Saïda ...) from the bus station in the port of Beirut (Charles Helou station).

Some more comfortable coaches, like the Ahdab, make it possible to make the trip to Tripoli in one day. From the Cola roundabout in Beirut, you can go to the suburbs or Saïda (Bosta coaches), Chtaura, Masna (border) and Damascus.

It is not easy to take the bus from the airport to Beirut: you have to leave the airport in the direction of Beirut, to catch one of the red and white buses of the LCC, line 5 at the stop Cocodi. We advise you to take a taxi instead.

The taxi

Taxis can be identified by their red number plates and the yellow lights on their roofs.

Taxi without meter

Overall, drivers understand French or English, but it is prudent to have the address you want to go to, written in Arabic.

Warning ! Remember to negotiate the amount of the race imperatively before going up, because these taxis are not equipped with counters. A taxi can be rented for the race or the day.

"Taxis-services" or "services"

Popular taxis are numerous, and share to reduce costs. These are the famous collective taxis, "taxis-services" or "services", as the Lebanese call them. These passenger vehicles can carry up to 5 passengers.
The price of the race is the same for each passenger: around 2,000 for a quick race at 4,000 pounds for a longer race.

Taxi-services operate on itineraries at the request of passengers. They can start even if the vehicle is not full. If this is the case, then it is customary for the passenger to go ahead: this indicates to the possible other passengers that it is a taxi-service (collective) and not a "classic" taxi.
In addition, it is possible to book a taxi service to several from Cola roundabout or from a suburb of Beirut.
If you plan a connection between 2 cities, count around 5,000 pounds for 15 km.

Warning: cases of scams and assaults have been reported in these taxis. As far as possible, this mode of transportation will be avoided, especially alone and at night.

The car

Rent a car

This solution offers great autonomy and is affordable given the competition in this market and the low price of fuel. You must be at least 20 years old. Car rental agencies are now located in the arrival hall of Beirut airport. Automatic gearbox vehicles are the most common.

International driving license is mandatory. It is obtained free of charge at the prefecture or sub-prefecture. It is valid for 3 years.

Driving in Lebanon

Diesel vehicles are prohibited from entering Lebanon.

In Lebanon, driving is on the right. However, it is necessary to drive carefully because the roads have suffered armed conflicts, they are irregular, often in bad condition. Many roads damaged by military operations are also under construction as part of the reconstruction of the country. A clear improvement of the network is therefore in progress, but the night lighting still leaves something to be desired. Night driving on small roads is therefore dangerous.

By car, we cross the country from north to south in just 3 hours, but traffic jams are chronic, especially in summer on coastal roads.

In the city, parking is not too difficult. It is usually free, but some streets are equipped with parking meters. There are also private car parks (package of 1,000 to 2,000 LBP).

Traffic lights are respected when traffic is heavy. The traffic is led by the police (cap and dark gray outfit), the police (light gray camouflage trellis, bright red beret), or by police bikers (white helmet, gray suit, American motorcycle).

The wearing of the belt is mandatory at the front as well as at the back. Beware, violators of this rule incur a fine ranging from 25,000 to 100,000 LBP, and a 10-day prison sentence.

To know: we find on the Lebanese roads dams military. These are colored guard posts in red and white.

When the dam is guarded, the use is to slow down and mark the stop, and, at night, to light the ceiling. In rare cases (this is the case in South Lebanon), the passport is requested, but NEVER separate. The integrity of the Lebanese army and gendarmerie must be emphasized.

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