تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزية  كتابة انشاء عبارات حكم اقوال تعبير بالانجليزي عن  تقرير جاهز سهل بسيط قطعة معلومات عامة شاملة بسيطة مبسط نبذة عن الاقتصاد السكان جمل عن بلادي اسم كلمة معنى كيف تكتب مترجم رحلة عن مقال جمهورية دولة حول  تكاليف المعيشه السياحة في  للطلاب عرض للصف السادس للصف الاول للصف الثاني للصف الثالث للصف الرابع للصف الخامس للصف السادس للصف السابع للصف الثامن للصف التاسع للصف العاشر  ابتدائي جمل  سهل وقصير معالم  موقع  تقرير عن تراث بالانجليزي ابي موضوع  ابراج خمس جمل قديما  أبرز المناطق السياحية مختصر حول الحياة والعادات والتقاليد فى  لمحة تعريفية بالانجلش تلخيص قصير كلمة تحدث  تقرير انجليزي عن اي دوله مقدمة خاتمة  information about   paragraph  presentation  location  my country uae كم عدد سكان  مدن  الوجهات العرب المسافرون نقاط الاهتمام مساحة تحدث جغرافية جغرافيا  عبارات شعر قصيدة مؤثر كلام قصير مترجم بالعربي  شكل عام موضوع مؤثر اللغات الرسمية ديانة  اسماء مدن  المناطق الريفيه الشعب الجنس رئيس لغتها الرسمية   كوريا الشمالية رئيس قوانين جيش اقتصاد كوريا الشمالية غرائب كوريا 

Dynastic regime in place for 60 years
A legitimacy completely established among the people
A nationalistic feeling and an exacerbated pride that serves the regime and its stability
Ubiquitous propaganda and an extreme personality cult
 A powerful army (4th in the world in strength)
  An unconventional strike force
 A strong geostrategic and geopolitical impact

An almost medieval economy where the majority of resources are allocated to the army
 Military and diplomatic tension North / South
 A people in a state of impoverishment, where initiative and property are almost non-existent
 Fundamental human rights flouted
  Obsolescence of military equipment
 Some sporadic diseases and epidemics linked to terrible health conditions
 A new leader who studied in Switzerland and assimilated some aspects of Western culture (pop culture, basketball), which may allow an opening and a relaxation of the policy of the regime
An international opening that leads to food aid essential to the survival of the country
Advent of tourism, welcome financial windfall

A hardening of the tone, on the part of the leaders South-Korean
An implosion due to the economic and social situation, and threats of famine, recurrent.
International sanctions that further isolate and degrade the country's economic state
In case of conflict with the South, a collapse of the regime almost certain

We see that the country's forces depend solely on its military power and its family-led party for more than half a century. It assumes power and legitimacy with the people, through pervasive propaganda and personality cult, which manipulates consciences and keeps the people in this submissive state. But the allocation of resources in this sense, completely loosens the economy that is still lagging behind and makes this country one of the poorest in the world and where basic principles and rights are flouted. The outlook is not very progressive compared to the current situation. The only two possible solutions remain the maintenance of the regime and therefore a status quo as to the economic situation and the impoverishment of the country, or a reunification that would necessarily go through a conflict. Because a reunification would necessarily lead to the disappearance of the regime and this solution is not envisaged by the current leaders. The other problem is also the North Korean people's unconsciousness about its state. In case of reconciliation, the psychological shock for the inhabitants of the north, would be difficult to surmount as they are lobotomized. The regime praises its model and demonizes the rest of the world, so the return to reality would be complex, delicate and laborious.

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