تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز عن. عندي بحث بالانجليزي عن عادات وتقاليد
 خدمات الامن والسلامة في سلطنة عمان الصحة  معلومات وزارة الصحة سلطنة عمان تطور الصحة في سلطنة عمان الرعاية الصحية في سلطنة عمان المستشفيات في عمان النهضة الصحة العمانية قسم  الصحة في سلطنة عمان قديما وحديثا

Health and safety Oman


There are public hospitals right down to the villages. They offer good quality of care, especially in Muscat. Hospital emergencies offer free services. There is also a network of private clinics.

Tap water is drinkable.

Vaccinations and antimalarial treatment

In addition to universal vaccinations recommended everywhere (DTCP, hepatitis B), antimalarial treatment is recommended in remote areas of Musandam province (in the far north of the country), especially during the rainy season: sporadic cases have been reported. reported, there is a localized seasonal risk.

Otherwise, the risks of malaria are very low: they are sporadic, localized and seasonal.

If you have been to one of the countries in the risk zone, you must be vaccinated against yellow fever.


Several countries in the Arabian Peninsula, including Qatar, have been identified as potentially at risk. Classical hygiene measures are therefore recommended, and contact with animals is to be avoided. Fragile or elderly people should consult their doctor before considering a trip to Yemen.


General security

Oman is arguably the safest country in the Gulf, although the terrorist threat remains in the region.

Only the border area with Yemen is not recommended by the Foreign Ministry because of the risk of infiltration of armed groups from Yemen into Dhofar. Travelers wishing to visit anyway are kindly requested to contact the French Embassy in Muscat.

The southern mountains are being monitored because of the risk of infiltration of armed groups from Yemen. For this reason, we must remain vigilant in the Dhofar region. Elsewhere, police presence throughout the country remains relatively unobtrusive.

As a precautionary measure, keep yourself regularly informed of the situation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Excursions in the desert regions

Before any trip to the desert areas (Wahiba, Rub al Khali ...), be sure to report your itinerary to someone or to the embassy.

You must go with several vehicles (at least two), in a convoy, and preferably with someone already knowing the route. Plan a road map, a GPS, a compass, a first aid kit, water supplies, food and fuel.

In deserts, djebels (mountains) and at the edge of wadis (rivers), pay attention to venomous species (snakes, scorpions, jellyfish ...). Beware, wadis can quickly flood.

Equip yourself for your trip

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