تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزي  كتابة انشاء عبارات حكم اقوال تعبير بالانجليزي عن  تقرير جاهز سهل بسيط قطعة معلومات عامة شاملة بسيطة مبسط نبذة عن الاقتصاد السكان جمل عن بلادي اسم كلمة معنى كيف تكتب مترجم رحلة عن مقال جمهورية دولة حول  تكاليف المعيشه السياحة في  للطلاب عرض ملخص مختصر حول الحياة والعادات والتقاليد فى  لمحة تعريفية بالانجلش تلخيص قصير كلمة تحدث  تقرير انجليزي عن اي دوله مقدمة خاتمة  information about   paragraph  presentation  location  my country uae كم عدد سكان  مدن  الوجهات العرب المسافرون نقاط الاهتمام مساحة تحدث جغرافية جغرافيا  عبارات شعر قصيدة مؤثر كلام قصير مترجم بالعربي  شكل عام موضوع مؤثر اللغات الرسمية ديانة  اسماء مدن  المناطق الريفيه الشعب الجنس رئيس لغتها الرسمية الكويت للصف السادس للصف الاول للصف الثاني للصف الثالث للصف الرابع للصف الخامس للصف السادس للصف السابع للصف الثامن للصف التاسع للصف العاشر  ابتدائي جمل  سهل وقصير معالم  موقع  تقرير عن تراث الكويت بالانجليزي ابي موضوع  ابراج الكويت بالانجليزي خمس جمل قديما  أبرز المناطق السياحية 

The State of Kuwait is a parliamentary monarchy located in the north of the Arabian Peninsula, at the northwestern extremity of the Persian Gulf and enclosed by Iraq, Iran
and Saudi Arabia. Historically derived from the Ottoman Empire, current Kuwait (Arabic "al - kuwayt" meaning "the embrasure") was founded by the family of Al - Sabah in 1715 and the 18th century. Placed under British protectorate, this territory became independent on February 22, 1961. It was on this occasion that the national flag and the currency were created; the Kuwaiti Dinar, both symbols of the national unity of this new state. The current Emir is Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah said "Sabah IV" since January 29, 2006, date of its confirmation by the National Assembly. Kuwait, whose capital is Kuwait City, is populated by 3.8 million people, of whom 1.2 million are Kuwaitis and 2.6 million are "foreigners" who alone provide two-thirds of the population. workforce. It should be noted that in Kuwait all foreigners who have not acquired Kuwaiti nationality are considered as foreigners. This represents about 60% of the population. Of the 85% Muslim population, the population is about two-thirds Sunni and one-third Shiite. The other 15% of the population are 12% of Christians and 3% of other religions. There is therefore a religious majority but it requires a certain cohabitation and tolerance.
This country with an area of 17,817 km2 includes several ethnic groups, the two main are the Al Saoud or Al Khalifa. But all come from the tribal confederation of Anaza (north and central Arabia) and more particularly the clan of Utub who have throughout the XVIII century coveted this small but easier to govern territory. They are therefore from former nomadic peoples called "Bedouins". They are Arabic Arabs whose only official language is Arabic, but English is also spoken. This country has many common features with neighboring states. Moreover, Iraqis have long regarded Kuwait as a province of Iraq. There are both Arabs from the peninsula but also people of the old Ottoman Empire but also some Persians from the other side of the Gulf. The demographics of this country are dynamic with a young population and 70% of the population between 15 and 64 years old. Life expectancy is high and birth and death rates show a developed country compared to other countries in the Near and Middle East. By the way, in 2012, the Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.79. This is higher than the HDI of all Arab countries which is 0.652 or even the world average of 0.694. This level of development results from the economic development of the country. The currency of the country is the Kuwaiti Dinar but it is extremely linked to the US dollar.

It is therefore interesting to study and evaluate the risks and strengths of the State of Kuwait which seems to highlight a real geopolitical complexity.

economic and financial.

Currently, oil and hydrocarbons account for half of Kuwait's GDP and 95% of their exports with reserves of 110 billion barrels or 9% of the world's resource. It is one of the three largest producers in the region. But faced with the progressive depletion of the country's oil resources, the country is becoming increasingly liberalized. The GDP of 2012 was US $ 46,495 per capita. Its growth rate was therefore 6.3%, but due to the slowdown due to the global economic crisis, the forecast for 2013 of the growth rate of Kuwaiti GDP is 3.5%. This drop in growth clearly shows the liberal openness for which the country has opted and its internationalized economy has been largely affected. However, the growth rate remains substantial if we make a relative comparison with France's GDP growth rate of about 0.6%. On the other hand, the inflation rate, ie the general rise in prices, was 2.9% in 2012. It also increased with the economic crisis which generated inflation without sparing the price of inflation. Kuwaiti economy. The unemployment rate is 2.7%, which is a fairly low rate but does not reflect the existing division between the different jobs held by the different social classes. We can clearly observe the dynamics of the country with a balance of the public accounts on the fiscal year 2011-2012 which is $ 47 billion but especially the balance the balance of trade is + $ 58.8 billion. Kuwait collaborates with the biggest powers. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in 2011, its main clients are South Korea, Japan, India, China, United States. Its main suppliers are the United States, China, Saudi Arabia, India, South Korea, Japan, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Italy, Australia, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France.
This reflects the internationalization and liberalization of the Kuwaiti economy, which guarantees a strong dynamism but also a certain dependence on foreign investors.

geographical and environmental
Kuwait is at a geopolitical junction also in the sense that it is on a seismic hazard delimitation zone. Indeed, the area that passes north of Iraq and descending along the Iran-Iran border is an important seismic zone. It also extends to all Iranian territory down to the entrance of the Persian Gulf. There are therefore relatively high risks, particularly because of the presence of a nuclear power plant such as that of Busher on Iranian soil. This may pose a direct threat to the Emirate of Kuwait and could have catastrophic health consequences for the population in the event of a disaster similar to that of Fukushima in Japan. In addition, it could also cause immense and lasting geological damage to the entire Gulf environment, of which Kuwait is totally dependent for its sea access, and towards which the emirate is entirely turned.
Added to this, the risks of pollution are significant in Kuwait. The country is in the heart of an oil zone that stretches from southern Turkey to the Gulf of Oman. The country is surrounded by major pipelines and oil pipelines in the area. It is therefore important for the state to limit all risks that could damage its resource-rich territory and its equally fertile coastal area.

geographical seaside and its proximity to the rivers of the Euphrates and Tiber which take their sources only a few kilometers since it gives it a certain agricultural autonomy. Despite ecological consequences already present such as the proliferation of wild and / or military landfills or the problem of hazardous industrial waste. There is also the problem of urbanization and desertification. With an arid territory, Kuwait has developed an important industry with several water desalination plants on its seaboard. The populations are therefore very dependent on the hydraulic resource which is particularly salty in the Gulf. Beyond the possible health consequences, the salt content can increase and cause considerable damage on the coast of the emirate and especially for marine species. Moreover, all the ecological and halieutic aquatic resources have already been damaged by oil exploitation but also by the Iran / Iraq war which has had lasting consequences. In fact, the fishing sector remains a small percentage of GDP, but remains an important area for the economy in the same way as agriculture. It should be noted that, since May 2013, Kuwait has been placed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a country with health and epidemiological risks because of the various cases of respiratory infections of Coronavirus which has spread to several countries of the world. Arabian Peninsula. Kuwait has reached a level of development that is capable of preventing or at least restricting epidemic and health risks in a young and dynamic country where the average age is only 29 years old.

Conclusion + SWOT.

Natural resources, gas and oil very abundant. Liberalized opening of the economy Geographical opening on the Gulf Sea Attempt at political democratization Significant income from oil exports
  Acquisition of modern military equipment
  Technology sector and very dynamic innovations.
 Unstable political regime (dynastic and inheritance rivalry) n Traditional ethnic and tribal conflicts US military and security dependence Salinization and desertification + environmental disasters due to urbanization and resource exploitation. Corruption and financing of Islamist movements.
Integration in the international political scene through membership in international bodies Important regional political weight Expansion of international soft power Unstable regional neighbors like Iraq Nuclear threat from Iran Maritime conflicts in the Gulf of which Kuwait is very dependent Hard Power important but relative because more economic than political.

Kuwait has a profile of an emerging country and certain limits such as the extent of its territory that make the emirate can not be considered a power in the international sense. Nevertheless, it can be described as such at the regional level. The country's prominent power is the economy and allows it to gain an international aura is to be an example for other countries in the Middle East region. Moreover, Kuwait actively participates in regional and international institutions, which strengthens its power and legitimacy. Despite all the instability of the region and many external threats weakens the country. As for the very abundant resources such as oil or, on the contrary, totally absent in this arid territory, they represent both advantages and drawbacks that make it possible to show the different aspects of this country the mixed results that can be drawn up on this subject. country. Kuwait is thus a country in the making and whose evolution is confronted with the evolution of politics and the international economy and which thus makes its future and the risks more uncertain than ever and all the more difficult to predict.

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