تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز عن
تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز قصير مدن الامارات

موضوع عن الاقامة والفنادق في الامارات بالانجليزي السياحة في دبي ابوظبي 

الاستعلام عن تاشيرة الامارات الجواز الاستعلام عن اذن دخول الكتروني الامارات الإدارة العامة للإقامة وشؤون الأجانب دبي

التاكد من تاشيرة الامارات الاستفسار عن تأشيرة (زيارة – اقامة) الإدارة العامة للإقامة وشؤون الأجانب دبي - إمارة دبيّ الإدارة العامة للإقامة وشؤون الأجانب دبي اون لاين

فيزا دبي الالكترونية


Accommodation and hotels United Arab Emirates




It's a bit of a must to stay in the UAE. The alternative forms of accommodation being more limited, not to say outright non-existent, one must choose from the plethora of hotels in different emirates. The panel is huge for Dubai and Abu Dhabi, smaller in the rest of the country.


Broadly speaking, there are two main types of hotels.


The resorts


These are real complexes on the seaside, present in all corners of the country. There are even on the coast of Fujairah where the developers imagine there too artificial islands on the model of what was done in Dubai. The luxury of most of these properties is disconcerting when you consider the amount of water and energy spent on running them.


On the other hand, some of the hotels are mainly cheap tourists: for example, there are many Russians in Ras al-Khaimah. Most, in search of sun, do not leave the beach for their entire stay.


The more classic hotels


In the city, hotels are more classic. As the local clientele is virtually non-existent, it is the foreigners who run the properties, which meet international standards. We find everything from 1 to 5 stars, with a majority of business hotels. Many chains are present, from Ibis to Shangri-La via Sheraton, Hilton, Mercure ...


During sporting events or major conferences, sometimes everything is full. The prices soar. The rest of the time, compare the prices on the search engines of the different room-fillers. There are almost always good deals to do.




The formula is quite popular in Dubai and Sharjah and operates on the principle of the hotel, with apartment rentals for the day. It is often proportionally cheaper than the hotel, with rates from 350 Dh for two, sometimes a little less. Studio options, 1 or 2 bedrooms.


Youth hostels


There are 6 official AJ Emirates. Dubai has 3 AJ affiliated with the Hostelling International network; the other 3 AJs are in Sharjah, Fujairah and Khor Fakkan. These 6 AJs are affiliated with the Youth Hostel Association.


From 70 Dh the night in dormitory, 110 Dh in Dubai, 200 Dh the night in double room.


There is no age limit to stay in AJ, just be a member - or pay extra.




There is no campground in the UAE (given the heat ...), but that does not mean that you can not camp. Some expats try it on weekends on the beaches of Fujairah (Dibba or Khor Fakkan) and in the Hadjar mountains. It is sometimes necessary to have a permit, but the controls are non-existent.

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