تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزي
معلومات عبارات حكم اقوال تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز عندي
 تعبير عن اليمن بالانجليزي تعبير عن السياحة في اليمن بالانجليزي
paragraph about yemen country
short paragraph about yemen
paragraph about my country yemen
كلام عن اليمن بالانجليزي تعبير قصير عن اليمن
 paragraph about yemen country
short paragraph about yemen
essay about yemen
تعبير قصير عن اليمن بالانجليزي تعبير عن اليمن السعيد بالانجليزي
tourism in yemen
تعبير عن اليمن بالانجليزي مترجم
yemen traditional food
yemen culture

Yemen: Introduction
Capital: Sanaa
Total population: 27,584,213
Natural increase: 2.5%
Density: 52 inhabitants / km²
Urban population: 35.2%
Ethnic origins: predominance of Arabs but also Afro-Arabs, South Asians, Europeans.
Official language: Arabic
Other languages ​​spoken: Mehri, soqotri, bathari
Business language (s): English
Religion: Muslims (Sunni), Zaydi, small number of other religions such as Jews, Christians and Hindus
Literacy rate: 54.1%
Local hour :
It is 17:03 in Sanaa
Exchange rate at 06/11/2017:
Local currency: Yemen Riyal (YER)

1 YER = 0.0040 USD, 1 USD = 250.2389 YER
1 YER = 0.0034 EUR, 1 EUR = 290.6590 YER

Country Profile
Area: 527,970 km²
Nature of State: Democratic Republic.
Level of development: Low-income country.
Economy based on the oil and gas sector.
IDH *: 0.498 / 1
IDH (world rank): 160/188

In 1991, the meeting of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen) and the Arab Republic of Yemen (North Yemen) gave birth to the current Republic of Yemen. Yemen is led in an authoritarian manner by President Abd Al-Rab Mansour Al-Hadi and Prime Minister Muhammad Basindawa ...
Located at the southwestern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen has maritime facades on the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. Saudi Arabia to the north and Oman to the east are bordering on Yemen.
It has a surface area of ​​527,970 square kilometers and a population of 24.5 million, of which a little over 2 million live in its capital Sanaa, located in the west of the country. The Yemeni population is growing by 2.3% per year and has a life expectancy of 65 years. Almost 40% of Yemenis are under 15 years old.
Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the world. Its HDI of 0.44 ranks it 149th among the member countries of the UN.
The Yemeni population includes several ethnic Arabs and non-Arabs among them, the 4 largest are:
- Central Yemeni Arabs (36%)
- Yemeni Arabs of Tihama (21%)
- Yemeni Arabs of the North (20%)
- South Yemeni Arabs (17%)
The official language of Yemen is Arabic, however, there are different kinds of Arabic spoken within the ethnic group (Sanaani Arabic spoken by both the Yemenis of the North and the Yemenis of the Tihama, but also the Arabic taizzi-adeni and the hadrami Arabic).
The currency is the Yemeni Rial (YER) (1 euro = 293 YER)


In this area the risks are relatively low
The country is suffering mainly from desertification and lack of water, which hampers the development of its agriculture. Yemen is also regularly affected by sandstorms.
There are no major health and epidemic risks in Yemen. However, possible cases of Malaria, Coronavirus, HIV, and Cholera are monitored. In hospitals, there is really no reliable infrastructure to handle emergencies and large surgeries and all medical evacuations by air are made exclusively from the capital Sanaa.


Yemen suffers from many economic and political handicaps that darken its future.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that since March 2013, all representatives of the political and civil class, men and women, religious and laity, socialists and Islamists, old tribal leaders and young revolutionaries gathered in the capital to try to found a new Yemen called by the wishes of the Revolution of 2011.
To do this, this meeting must:
- Work to reduce separatist sentiment in the South
- Put an end to armed rebellion in the north
- Establish transitional justice
- Reform the military and security apparatus
- Write a new constitution
This program may seem impossible in a country over-armed, among the poorest countries in the world and sometimes appearing in voice. It appears that Yemen will not be able to solve its various problems without continued massive support from donor countries and international agencies.

South of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen is bordered by the world's hottest desert (the famous Rub Al-Khali), the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea that separates it from Africa. Of the 527,970 km² (approximately, because the border with Saudi Arabia is not clearly defined), it has more than 24 million inhabitants, making it the most populous state of the Peninsula. It has been officially reunited since 1990, and the last war that rocked it ended in 1994.
Yemen had gradually opened up to tourism, but after 9/11 the growth of the sector was stalled. The country has yet revealed itself as in our far eastern dreams. Petri of a millenary history, crossed by legendary roads, it has a unique architecture and its landscapes have earned the reputation of "happy Arabia". Its inhabitants have preserved a tradition of hospitality. Yemen is also the land of the Queen of Sheba, and a people that has its roots in the mists of time.

Do not expect to find in Yemen the clichés that are attached to the Arab countries around the Mediterranean, you will discover a very different world, still partially governed by tribes with stubborn and complex traditions, and make one of your trips the most exotic ...

1 تعليقات

  1. باب اليمن منطقه تراثيه ويوجد فيه كثير من الناس والأسواق المذهل


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