صفات المعلم الجيد بالانجليزي
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صفات المعلم الجيد
كيف تصبح مدرس انجليزى محترف
موضوع عن وظيفة المعلم بالانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن المعلم المفضل
the qualities of a good leader
كيف تكون معلم متميز
مؤهلات معلم اللغة الانجليزية

He is a good teacher, with a certain number of human qualities, including his sympathy. His interpersonal skills must be combined with pedagogical skills: he builds his courses, he explains well. Here again, we find another characteristic of the "ideal" course: the teacher, when he speaks, must be understood by the students. Naturally, we find as primary requirement the knowledge to hold his classes, since we remember that for students, an "ideal" course, it was above all a course without problem of discipline.

             The classes of the "good" teacher are alive: he asks a lot of students, with whom he has good contacts. Finally, he manages to make love his subject, thanks to the pedagogical approach he adopts (make applications, give meaning to his course, use properly educational materials ...), either through his own person (his sense of humor, his charisma, his voice ...)

For students, it is important to note that the teacher cares about them, which is not always the case since about half of them remembers at least one teacher who has left the impression of completely losing interest in his work.

More minority, the teacher "ideal" is also someone who has certain physical qualities, the voice is particularly important. He enjoys teaching in general and his discipline in particular. However, knowledge in itself (having culture, being scholarly in its field) does not play a vital role for students.

             The "ideal" teacher for teachers is first of all someone who has established good relationships with students and who is doing his classes well. If the importance of having good contact with students is also found here in the forefront, the second quality of the "good" teacher is still to know how to work students.

             Finally, it is also someone "serious": he prepares his courses, he is not always absent etc. Having a number of character traits is more secondary for teachers, such as the role that knowledge can play in defining the "right" teacher.

are common to both students and teachers. However, as for the "good" course, we find the shift in importance for the maintenance of discipline, if "he knows how to hold his classes" was cited 17 times by students, it is not a theme majority for teachers. In addition, 17 features were cited by students to define the "ideal" teacher, including physical characteristics. The physical aspect of the teacher, however, was raised by the teachers to the question about the basis of the authority of the teacher. Thus, imposing it physically allows one to establish one's authority as teacher 10 thinks: "he has his physique, he has his voice ..." or as the teacher believed 12:

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