تعبير بالانجليزي عن جحا بالانجليزية
قصة قصيرة عن جحا بالانجليزي
قصة جحا وابنه والحمار بالانجليزي
قصص جحا بالانجليزي مترجمة
juha stories
قصص جحا قصيرة
arabic short stories with english translation pdf
ترجمة قصص انجليزية الى العربية
قصة جحا الحقيقية
ترجمة قصص جحا الي اللغة الأنجليزية
قصة جحا بالانجليزي
قصص جحا المضحكة قصيرة ورائعة
Joha and His Donkey
the story of Joha and His Donkey
قصص جحا في اللغة الإنجليزية - جحا والحمار
قصة جحا وابنه والحمار (

قصص جحا المضحكة قصيرة
قصة جحا وابنه والحمار بالانجليزي
juha stories
قصة قصيرة عن جحا بالانجليزي
arabic short stories with english translation pdf
قصص جحا بالانجليزي مترجمة
نوادر جحا بالانجليزي
ترجمة قصص انجليزية الى العربية
قصص جحا قصيرة
arabic stories with english translation
 قصص جحا قصيرة
قصة جحا كاملة
قصة جحا والقاضي
نكت جحا
قصص جحا فيديو
قصة جحا الحقيقية
 قصص جحا بالانجليزي مترجمة
قصة جحا وابنه والحمار بالانجليزي
juha stories
قصص جحا قصيرة
ترجمة قصص انجليزية الى العربية
 قصة قصيرة عن جحا بالانجليزي
نوادر جحا بالانجليزي
قصة جحا وابنه والحمار بالانجليزي
juha stories
قصص جحا قصيرة
قصص جحا فيديو
قصة جحا الحقيقية
ترجمة قصص انجليزية الى العربية
طرائف مضحكة مكتوبة قصيرة

قصص قصيرة بالانجليزي
قصص انجليزية قصيرة مترجمة

The story of Joha, with her donkey and her son

day Jouha and her son left for the city with their ass, Jouha
mounted on the back of the ass, while his son walked beside him,
passing through a first village, the people said, "Ah, what a cruel father he
leaves a child so young. Having heard this, Jouha went down
and left his son up, and contented himself with a bargain at his side. But to
second village the people exclaimed: "Ah, what a rude,
heart he let his father walk. Jouha got angry and climbed onto the back of
the donkey, but when they reached the third village people
said: "Look at me this poor ass who is so tired of bearing the father
and the son ....
Then Jouha grew anxious again, went down with her son, and carried the ass on her back to the town.

And for those who have stories of jouha they let us share them inchaAllah

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The story of Joha, with her donkey and her son
Joha and her son were on a journey and they had a donkey with them. At the entrance of a town Joha was on his ass, and his son followed him on foot. The inhabitants of the city murmured on all sides:
"What a selfish man he is on his horse and let his poor kid walk on his side."
Joha was embarrassed, and at the entrance to the next town he made sure that his son was on the donkey when he followed him on foot. As soon as the inhabitants of the city saw them arrive, they cried out,
"Look at this poorly bred kid, he walks on a horse while his father walks on his feet, he has no respect for his poor father!"
Joha was destabilized, and he found an idea to avoid all these criticisms when he crossed the next cities. When he reached the third town, he mounted him and his son on the donkey. As soon as people saw them, they were outraged, and they began to be indignant, saying,
"Look at his heartless individuals, they are both on a donkey that can not stand more than one person, and they really have no mercy."
Joha came down from the donkey once near the fourth city. He and his son walked by the side of the donkey.
The inhabitants of the fourth city burst out laughing at their sight and said: "Look at these fools, they have a donkey, and neither of them profit.

Whatever you do, you will be criticized. So seek only to satisfy your creator instead of always wanting to satisfy his creatures!

1 تعليقات

  1. Juha or joha is a male he is name which given to many men over different ages, but the most important thing that he is a man, that mean not her son but his son and not her donkey but his donkey, and thanks i love that story.


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