ايجابيات وسلبيات السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
ايجابيات وسلبيات السفر بالانجليزي
مزايا وعيوب السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
برجراف عن السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
اهمية السفر
سلبيات السفر وكيف تواجهها
تعبير عن السفر بالانجليزي مع الترجمه
اضرار السفر للخارج
برجراف عن مميزات وعيوب السفر للخارج
موضوع عن السفر. تعبير عن رحله قصيره بالانجليزي.
 تعبير بالانجليزي عن رحلة الى. قصة بالانجليزي عن رحلة سفر.
سلبيات وايجابيات السفر للخارج بالانجليزي.
موضوع بالانجليزي عن السفر travel
الدراسة في الخارج: إيجابيات وسلبيات -

براجراف عن مميزات و عيوب الدراسة في الخارج
مزايا وعيوب السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
سلبيات وايجابيات السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
تعبير عن السفر بالانجليزي مع الترجمه
تعبير عن السفر وفوائده بالانجليزي
ايجابيات وسلبيات السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
موضوع بالانجليزي عن السفر قصير وسهل
برجراف عن فوائد السفر للخارج
ايجابيات وسلبيات السفر بالانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن السفر الى دبي
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short paragraph about travelling
advantages of travelling abroad
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paragraph about travelling abroad enriches one experience
اضرار السفر للخارج
سلبيات السفر
سلبيات السفر وكيف تواجهها
مزايا وعيوب السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
ايجابيات وسلبيات السفر بالانجليزي
اضرار الغربة
ايجابيات وسلبيات السفر للخارج بالانجليزي
سلبيات وايجابيات السفر للخارج بالانجليزي

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living abroad?
 In the current era of globalization, communication and cheap international travel fast, many people choose to make their homes overseas. And a bit of complaining - if youare considering a new career in a distant country of which he or she knows something or are considering a language program in a country where he or she has studied for years, there will probably be a lot to love - in his new home. Some of the positive aspects of living abroad should be able to learn a new language, experience a different culture and taste the different dishes. There may be negative aspects, however, such as language barriers, cultural missteps, dietary problems and perhaps even become the country's evil.
 Language is often a difficult area of life for people living abroad. If someone can not speak the local language, even simple tasks seem daunting. The language barrier, however, can also be considered positive. Someone who is interested in learning the local language will be in the perfect area as living abroad. Indeed, almost everyone he or she encounters is a potential language partner and tutor.
 Such as language, culture also plays an important role in the life of a person living abroad. The rules of social etiquette in a foreign country can be very different from what he or she grew up. For example, knowing the proper way to host a dinner show it can be difficult satisfied with a meal. If a person does not know the local cultural signals, he or she would be in a number of misunderstandings.
 Food can be a source of great satisfaction or disappointment, depending on the taste of the one and the foreign country where he or she lives. In some countries, for example, local cuisine relies heavily on the use of seafood. Someone who can not or will not eat seafood will have his room significantly reduced. On the other hand, for someone who seafood, the variety and quality available on this country would have a lot of fun with it.
 Even if one enjoys food at his adopted country, he or she would sometimes want familiar dishes. But in some cases, it may be difficult or impossible to buy these foods locally. Many people are comforted by a taste of home and are disappointed when they can not have it.
 Another issue to consider is the cost of living abroad. Often, people pursuing overseas careers tend in capitals or cities involved in international financial and business life. Typically, these are very expensive cities. Someone who lives in a big city like Paris, Sydney, New York or Moscow might think that their leisure opportunities are limited by their income. On the other hand, someone in a small town or a developing country find that their money goes further than did at home.
 A final problem has become much less important than in the past: distance. With the availability of low cost communications technology it is easier than ever for anyone to make contact to stay with family and friends over long distances. In the days of air mail and the transoceanic passenger, living abroad means a degree of isolation from a country of origin. With the help of a computer, however, one can now face friends and single family even to talk with them face-to-face via a video-chat computer if the equipment necessary is available. If you really hurt the country, he or she can always book a plane ticket and his home for a visit pretty quickly.
 It is safe to say that virtually every person will find both advantages and disadvantages to living abroad. However, this is perfectly natural. After all, most people find many advantages and disadvantages with their homeland.
• Living abroad can be costly, but it allows people the opportunity to experience another culture.
• Living in a big city like Moscow, Russia, can be very expensive.
• Nostalgia is a question that can result from living abroad.
• Family may be missing when living abroad.

Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad
Sometimes, going abroad is an obligation to follow specific studies, sometimes it is a choice in order to gain access to renowned schools or to build up an international experience in order to strengthen their CV. In any case, a long-term stay permanently marks a person.
Being able to study abroad means being able to learn a foreign language and being able to practice it more easily. Being away from family means learning to be much more responsible and autonomous, it is an enriching experience on many criteria. Some students highlight a quality higher education and better quality abroad, a great opportunity to discover another culture and other traditions through the meeting of people from very different backgrounds. Living from new experiences allows us to see things differently and allows us to make a general point about ourselves, we gain in maturity.
In all countries of the world, foreigners will experience ups and downs. It is important to be aware of this in order to prepare well and not to be discouraged when you are in the hollow of the wave. There is often an alternation of happy and unhappy phases. The first weeks are those of discovery and wonder. Longer or longer depending on people and countries, this phase is followed by a period of rejection of the host country, everything seems complicated and attacks us. Fortunately, people are able to take the marks and create new personal habits in this new environment.
On the contrary, when you return to Canada, you may also experience cultural shock. Indeed, it is often shocked to see that everything is different. And you too will have changed, maybe your relations with your friends and family will have to be adjusted. To take back one's marks may take some time, and is all the more difficult because in this sense there is neither effect nor surprise or wonder.

To get an idea of the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing studies abroad, it is interesting to collect various testimonies of different experiences, which make aware of small things that can be missed, moments of joys and blows of blues ...

The main disadvantage of going abroad to study is that you can not get away from your family cocoon and your lifestyle for a few years ... You really have to be aware that life will be very different from that at Morocco, and especially not to fall into the trap of comparing everything. Enjoy the good sides of your host country because you will regret them when you return to Morocco and learn to live with its bad sides. But overall, for the many students who have experienced these experiences, the positive elements are much more numerous than the negative ones.

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