تعبير بالانجليزي عن جامعة الامام
جامعة الامام محمد بن سعود الاسلامية
تخصصات جامعة الامام محمد بن سعود
جامعة الامام القبول والتسجيل
جامعة الامام التعليم عن بعد
جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الخريجون البارزون
جامعة الامام محمد بن سعود بالاحساء
جامعة الامام تدارس
جامعة الامام وظائف

تعبير بالانجليزي عن جامعتي
تعبير عن الحياة الجامعية
تعبير عن اول يوم بالجامعه بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الكلية بالانجليزي
تعبير قصير عن الجامعه
مقال عن الجامعة
موضوع تعبير عن الجامعة
برجراف عن university

جمل عن الجامعه بالانجليزي
جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية في الرياض عاصمة المملكة العربية السعودية
Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University
اللغة الانجليزية تعبيـر إنقلشَ -
نبذه عن مكتبة جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود

جامعة الامام محمد بن سعود الاسلامية
جامعة الامام محمد بن سعود عن بعد
جامعة الامام محمد بن سعود تدارس
جامعة الامام وظائف
جامعة الامام القبول والتسجيل
جامعة الامام محمد بن سعود انتساب
جامعة الامام الخدمات الذاتية
جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الخريجون البارزون
جامعة الامام تويتر
خصصات جامعة الامام محمد بن سعود
تخصصات جامعة الامام انتساب
تخصصات جامعة الامام للطالبات
تخصصات جامعة الامام انتظام
تخصصات جامعة الامام للبنات ادبي
تخصصات جامعة الامام عن بعد 1438
تخصصات جامعة سعود للبنات
تخصصات جامعة الامام عن بعد 1437
مسار انساني جامعة الامام طالبات

For the Islamic university, Imam Muhammed bin Saoud is a global Islamic model of excellence in learning and teaching, scientific research and community service based on teachings and values, Islamic origin.
The training courses offered by the administration of the university center for social and educational services aim to develop national human resources in order to meet the needs of the labor market by providing it with a skilled workforce .
What these training courses offer for the achievement of this goal:

° The establishment of public and private training plans and policies and their revision and development according to national development plans

° Preparation of trainers and their evolution

Setting standards for the proposed training programs and their compliance

Hold strategic partnerships with training institutions in the public and private sectors to find solutions to training problems as well as various training modules and their implementation

Involve the public and private sectors in the creation of training plans and the provision of specialized human resources

Provide training advice for the public and private sectors

Conduct research and studies in the field of training
Produce training facilities, techniques and development

Prepare conferences, seminars and workshops inside and outside the Kingdom after the necessary administrative procedures have been set up

Participate in the accession to regional and international organizations, institutions and institutions that are interested in training after the necessary administrative procedures have been put in place

Provide visuals of relevant training rules, regulations and resolutions, and suggest what is required to develop, submit or refer them to the appropriate authorities in accordance with the regulatory methods followed

The strategic plan for quality management and academic accreditation

The leaders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia headed by King Abdullah Bin Abdil Aziz have opted for the transition to the knowledge-based economy. the country is also facing a growing demand for higher education and scientific research in all segments of society. It is for this reason that the Islamic university Al Imam Mohammed Bin Saoud feels the need to found a strategic vision of the future aimed at excellence in university education, scientific research and social service and its participation in the realization general orientations in the kingdom.

And more specifically, university leaders have to respond to the needs of creating effective change in the leadership model, which helps participation in the local economy of the kingdom to strike a balance between scientific research and university education, and to determine its academic priorities.

Currently the university creates and executes a strategic plan that proposes a number of models of what the university could be in the future, its vision of the future, its work, its foundations, and the management models that realizes this vision.
The project of the strategic plan with the aim of transforming the university - by divine permission - in an institution of world-wide reputation that is characterized by:

The continuous enrichment in the construction of knowledge and excellence in scientific research for the service of our society.

What is desired by the strategic plan is to determine the precise directions and means of the academic activities of the university anis as the research and service activities of the community.

This is why it is imperative for the university community to be patient and to help the project team because the creation and implementation of these activities takes some time, resources and processes as well as a number of changes in the way things are done.

And I am happy and confident that the academic community can open wide doors to sophisticated and developed teaching performance while preserving its cultures and foundations that do not contradict the modern development orientations of the institutions of the university.

And I am confident that our university - by divine permission - will play a leading role in higher education in Saudi Arabia in the years to come.

The phases of preparation of the plan:
The phases of preparation of the strategic plan consists of the two general stages followed by an execution stage.

The first step: the preparation of general strategies. (The end of this stage is scheduled for November 2010)

This stage consists of:
1- The evaluation of the current situation of the university (in progress)
2- Comparative studies between the situation of the university and the practices
    recognized (ongoing)
3- Creation of the strategy and determination of its future orientations
4- Determines the main strategic actions
5- Training and transition to the implementation phase

The second step: Determine detailed operational plans. This phase involves the following steps:

1- The preparation of executive plans and initiatives
2- Develop performance indicators and controllers of the
3- Prepare risk and change management plans
4- Training and transition to the implementation phase

Supervision and Administration:
* The pr. Soulayman Aba Al Khayl, director of the Islamic university Mohammed Bin Saud, strongly supports the strategic plan.

* The strategic plan is under the responsibility of the university administration for academic studies, development and accreditation and under the supervision of dr. Abdur Rahman Ad Dawoud

Responsible for academic studies, development and accreditation at the university

Dr. Ahmed Yahya Al Joubayli
Head of Evaluation and Quality

Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Az zaki
University faculty member and project director

And the help of the team made up of faculty members and university officials.

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