تعبير عن الاطفال المشردين بالانجليزي
تعبير عن اطفال الشوارع بالانجليزي
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عبير عن اطفال الشوارع بالانجليزي
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wikipedia street child
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موضوع عن الاطفال بالانجليزي قصير

Millions of people flee their homes voluntarily or forcibly every year because of armed conflicts, situations of widespread violence, persecution, human rights violations or natural disasters. Nearly half are children. Once again, they are the most vulnerable to the dangers involved in these displacements. A child in exile is a child whose rights are invariably violated.
To understand the stakes of this theme, it is important to differentiate several categories of children:
• Internally displaced children
Unlike refugees, these children do not cross the recognized international borders of a State but are internally displaced. Their number is much higher than that of refugees since they represent 2/3 of the displaced children.
• Refugee children
A refugee child crosses an international border and has specific rights.
• Unaccompanied minors
In armed conflicts or other disasters, many children find themselves separated from their parents or carers. Since their status is rarely immediately confirmed, these children are considered not as "orphans" but as "separated children" or "unaccompanied children". (1)
The causes of displacement
They are many. The main motivation for families to leave their homes is to flee national (in the case of civil wars), but also international armed conflicts and widespread violence.
All these tensions usually involve a significant violation of human rights. Persecution remains the major cause of human rights violations, as they directly threaten the freedoms (race, religion, nationality, political opinion, etc.) and even the lives of certain social groups.
Disasters, whether natural (droughts, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, famines) or not (nuclear, industrial), are also causing vulnerable populations to go into exile.
Risk of displacement
Recruitment in the armed forces, sexual exploitation, ill-treatment and violence, forced labor, irregular adoption, trafficking, discrimination in temporary reception or community structures and difficulties in access to education and leisure part of the many risks faced by displaced children.
Most of the time, these children find themselves separated from their loved ones during this type of event. Deprived of care and protection of their families, they become very vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Moreover, they are generally weakened (diseases, malnutrition) by the long distances they have had to travel and by the difficulties they have endured. They become ideal targets for smugglers, traffickers and / or armed groups.
These children may also become victims of discrimination and other violations of their rights as a result of their displacement (for example, in an area where they represent an ethnic minority).
The consequences of exile in children
Exile has serious consequences, especially among children. The trauma caused by flight, travel, waiting, etc., is very difficult to overcome especially in the absence of psychological support. Psychosocial distress can then occur in a child who lives in transit from one place to another, who has to hide, or who is forced to live in an unhealthy or inhospitable environment.

To this physical and psychosocial vulnerability can be added the loss of sources of income and livelihoods (such as loss of land), as well as drop-outs, leading to an increase in precariousness among the displaced.

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