تعبير انجليزي عن الجفاف
موضوع عن الجفاف
معلومات عن الجفاف
جفاف الجسم بالانجليزي
معنى جفاف بالانجليزي
تعريف الجفاف اسبابه ونتائجه
تعبير انجليزي عن جفاف الارض
تعبير عن التصحر بالانجليزي
حلول الجفاف
موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن الجفاف drought
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نتائج الجفاف
حلول الجفاف
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بحث عن الجفاف بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الجفاف بالانجليزي
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موضوع عن الجفاف
تعريف الجفاف اسبابه ونتائجه
الجفاف pdf
انواع الجفاف
مقدمة عن الجفاف
اسباب ظاهرة الجفاف
نتائج الجفاف
معلومات عن الجفاف
حلول الجفاف
تعبير عن التصحر بالانجليزي
برجراف عن desertification
تعريف التصحر بالانجليزي
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موضوع تعبير عن التصح

Drought is the normal or passing state of the soil and / or environment, corresponding to a lack of water, over a significantly long period so that it impacts on the natural or cultivated flora, wildlife or livestock. Dryness should not be confused with aridity. An arid region may experience droughts.
This water deficit is episodically natural (for example, the Quaternary / interglacial periods of the Quaternary, the El Niño / El Niña cycles, etc.) and some climatologists could be amplified by human emission of greenhouse gases. It follows an unexplained rainfall deficit over long periods during which rainfall is abnormally low or insufficient to maintain soil moisture and normal air humidity. It can be aggravated or explained by pumping, lower groundwater levels, erosion and soil degradation (humus promotes water retention, clearcutting of forest areas in the the Amazon, for example, rapidly leads to the loss of this humus essential to water retention and causes accelerated anthropomorphic desertification), an increase in evapotranspiration induced by water-consuming plantations (poplars, maize).
Drought can destroy crops (partially or totally) and kill farmed, and sometimes wild, animals. It then becomes a factor of regional famine and exodus, often accompanied by social unrest and even armed conflicts, especially in regions with few economic resources.
Drought is therefore not just an objective physical or climatic phenomenon. It is also a relative concept that reflects the gap between water availability and human demand for water, agriculture and livestock, and some uses of secondary necessity (swimming pool, lawn watering, washing car, etc.). This makes any definition of drought relative to the geopolitical and sociological context; the "normal" state of water availability changes according to biogeographic zones and the actual or perceived needs of individuals and societies.

Weather droughts typically occur when an anticyclone settles over a region durably because of a blocking situation. The persistent high pressures thus prevent any intrusion of an atmospheric disturbance and can then lead the region overhung by these to a long period of good weather and therefore with a little or even without precipitation.

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