تعبير انجليزي عن تزايد السكان
موضوع تعبير عن الزيادة السكانية واضرارها
paragraph about population
the problem of overpopulation
الزياده السكانيه واثرها على المجتمع
برجراف عن التلوث
paragraph about unemployment
تعبير عن عدد السكان ، Population
انفجار سكاني
موضوع تعبير عن الزيادة السكانية باللغة الانجليزية
موضوع تعبير منسق وجاهز للطبع عن " The Problem Of Over ..
موضوع تعبير رائع بعنوان المشكلة السكانية
 موضوع تعبير عن الزيادة السكانية واضرارها
المشكلة السكانية واسبابها
الزيادة السكانية فى مصر واثرها على الفرد والمجتمع
تعريف المشكلة السكانية
المشكلة السكانية فى  
المشكلة السكانية 
تعبير عن زيادة كبيرة مأساوية زيادة
اضرار الزيادة السكانية
اسباب النمو السكاني في العالم
 موضوع تعبير الانفجار السكاني
موضوع تعبير عن الزيادة السكانية واضرارها
الزيادة السكانية فى مصر
تعبير عن زيادة كبيرة مأساوية زيادة
الزياده السكانيه
اسباب الزيادة السكانية
المشكلة السكانية واسبابها
تعريف الزيادة السكانية
الزيادة السكانية فى الزياده السكانيه واثرها على المجتمع
موضوع تعبير عن الزيادة السكانية ومشاكلها
الزياده السكانيه في مصر
ايجابيات الزيادة السكانية
اثر النمو السكاني على التعليم
اصنف بين الاثار الايجابيه والسلبيه للزياده السكانيه في الجدول التالي
المشكلة السكانية واسبابها
المشكلة السكانية فى مصر 
اثر النمو السكاني على البيئه
the problem of overpopulation
overpopulation essay
overpopulation solutions
overpopulation paragraph
overpopulation in egypt
what is overpopulation
overpopulation definition
how to solve the problem of overpopulation
overpopulation solutions list
واثرها على الفرد والمجتمع

Overpopulation is a demographic state characterized by the fact that the number of individuals of a living species exceeds the carrying capacity of its habitat, that is its capacity to:
• to provide the necessary resources to ensure the survival of this species;
• to repair the aggressions (pollution, disruption of natural ecological regulations) inflicted by this species on its environment.
This notion can be envisaged at the level of a territory (which may be local, regional, national, continental) or planet Earth itself. In this case, the demographic limits to be taken into account include the safeguarding of global regulatory processes (regulation of the temperature and chemical composition of the atmosphere and oceans, rainfall, marine currents, etc.) which tend to keep the Earth system in a state conducive to life.
The concept is sometimes applied to the veterinary or livestock (animal population) or to geographical or social subunits (for example, "prison overcrowding").
This article focuses on the case of human overpopulation.
The origin of overpopulation: the demographic transition
The phenomenon that led to the demographic explosion observed since the eighteenth century took place in two phases:
• The previous situation was a situation of equilibrium, characterized by a high birth rate and a high mortality rate, which resulted in a low natural increase. This long-term global balance was punctuated by numerous peaks of mortality due to famines, epidemics or wars; often, these three factors combined, reinforcing each other. The high birth rate offset both these peaks in mortality and the high rate of infant mortality.
• First phase of transition: the mortality rate drops sharply (improvement of food, hygiene, health progress, industrialization ...) while the birth rate remains strong or even increases. The natural increase is therefore strong, which means a rapid growth of the population.
• Second phase of transition: mortality continues to decline, but more slowly, and the birth rate is also decreasing by a change in mores adapted to previous progress. The maximum natural increase is reached at the beginning of this second phase. Then the birth rate declines more sharply and the rate of increase of the population is decelerated.

• Modern demographic regime (post-transition): Birth and death rates stabilize at a low level. Mortality is roughly equal from one year to the next, and the population is now regulated by the fluctuating birth rate (during the traditional regime it was mortality that had this regulating role). Sometimes the rate of natural increase may become negative, which in turn leads to the aging of the population and later to a decrease in population. This case is found in a growing number of countries, mostly in Europe, where the rate of natural increase is negative: Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy, Ukraine, Romania, etc. (see the list of these countries in the article Demographic growth).

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