تعبير انجليزي دور الشباب في نهضة الامة
موضوع تعبير عن دور الشباب فى المجتمع بالانجليزى
برجراف عن الشباب مترجم
دور الشباب فى بناء المستقبل
موضوع عن الشباب ودورهم في المجتمع
role of youth in development of country
دور الشباب في نهضة المجتمع
بحث عن الشباب ودورهم فى المجتمع
موضوع تعبير عن دور الشباب في المجتمع
تعبير انجليزي دور الشباب في بناء المجتمع
موضوع تعبير عن دور الشباب فى المجتمع بالانجليزى
دور الشباب فى بناء المستقبل
برجراف عن الشباب مترجم
موضوع تعبير عن دور الشباب في المجتمع
موضوع عن الشباب ودورهم في المجتمع
دور الشباب في نهضة المجتمع
دور الشباب في بناء الوطن وحمايته والارتقاء به
بحث عن الشباب ودورهم فى المجتمع
براجراف عن دور الشباب The role of youth
the role of youth in the lives of nations موضوع تعبير عن دور ...
دور الشباب في بناء مستقبل
موضوع تعبير عن دور الفرد فى بناء المجتمع
تعبير انجليزي دور الشباب في بناء الوطن
دور الشباب فى تقدم المجتمع
موضوع تعبير عن دور الشباب فى المجتمع بالانجليزى
برجراف عن الشباب مترجم
دور الشباب فى بناء المستقبل
موضوع عن الشباب ودورهم في المجتمع
دور الشباب في نهضة المجتمع
role of youth in development of country
بحث عن الشباب ودورهم فى المجتمع
موضوع تعبير عن دور الشباب فى المجتمع بالانجليزى
دور الشباب فى تقدم المجتمع
دور الشباب فى بناء المستقبل
role of youth in development of country
the role of youth today
برجراف عن العلم بالانجليزي
برجراف عن احترام الشباب لكبار السن بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الشباب ودورهم في المجتمع
دور الشباب في نهضة المجتمع

 دور الشباب فى بناء المستقبل
دور الشباب فى تقدم المجتمع
موضوع تعبير عن دور الشباب فى المجتمع بالانجليزى
موضوع تعبير عن الشباب بناة المستقبل
موضوع تعبير عن الشباب امل المستقبل
مقدمة تعبير عن الشباب
موضوع تعبير عن الشباب ودورهم في المجتمع
انشاء الشباب
موضوع تعبير عن الشباب هم عدة الوطن
 موضوع عن الشباب ودورهم في المجتمع
موضوع تعبير عن الشباب امل المستقبل
دور الشباب في نهضة المجتمع
موضوع تعبير عن الشباب هم عدة الوطن
دور الشباب في المجتمع الاسلامي
موضوع تعبير عن دور الشباب فى المجتمع بالانجليزى
دور الشباب في بناء الوطن وحمايته والارتقاء به
موضوع تعبير عن الشباب والعمل
 دور الشباب في بناء الوطن وحمايته والارتقاء به
موضوع عن الشباب ودورهم في المجتمع
دور الشباب في التغيير
بحث عن الشباب ودورهم فى المجتمع
موضوع تعبير عن الشباب هم عدة الوطن
دور الشباب في نهضة المجتمع
موضوع تعبير عن دور الشباب فى المجتمع بالانجليزى
دور الشباب في المجتمع الاسلامي

 Young people are a determining factor in social change, economic development and technical progress. Their fertility of mind, ideals, vision and energy are essential to the development of the societies in which they live.

The aim of this conference, entitled "The contribution of young people to the development of a nation", is to raise young people's awareness of their essential role in the emergence of a country. Through this conference, we want to increase the capacity of young people to play a significant role in the development of their community and their country.

Young people, whose demographic statistics are to some extent an asset of development, must exercise power and transform their world marked by high levels of unemployment in a context of weak economic growth. The role and investment of young people in Africa today in the transformation of their societies will determine the continent's growth in the years to come.
The new generations
He who is young today lives this condition in a world different from that of the generation of his parents and educators. Not only is the system of links and opportunities changing as economic and social transformations change, but desires, needs, sensitivities, patterns of relationship with others are surreptitiously evolving. Moreover, while it is true that, with a certain degree of globalization, young people tend to be more homogeneous in all parts of the world, it is nevertheless true that, in local contexts, the specificities cultural and institutional factors have an impact on the process of socialization and the construction of identity.
The challenge of multiculturalism is particularly relevant to the world of youth, for example, with the specificities of "second generations" (ie those young people growing up in a society and culture different from their parents, migratory phenomena) or children of "mixed" couples in one way or another (ethnically, culturally and / or religiously).
In many parts of the world, young people live in particularly harsh conditions, in which it becomes difficult to create a space for authentic life choices, in the absence of even minimal margins for the exercise of freedom. Let us think of young people in situations of poverty and exclusion; to those who grow up without parents or family, or who do not have the opportunity to go to school; children and street youth in many suburbs; unemployed youth, refugees and migrants; to those who are victims of exploitation, trafficking in human beings and slavery; children and youth forcibly recruited into criminal gangs or irregular militias; women-children or girls forced to marry against their will. Too many are those who pass directly from childhood to adulthood and a responsibility that they have not been able to choose. Often girls, girls and young women face even greater difficulties than those of their contemporaries.
Studies carried out at the international level make it possible to distinguish some traits characteristic of young people of our time.
Membership and participation
Young people do not perceive themselves as a disadvantaged category or as a social group to be protected and therefore as passive recipients of pastoral programs or political choices. Many want to take an active part in the processes of change of the present, as confirmed by the experiences of mobilization and innovation coming from the bottom and of which young people are the main artisans, even if they are not the only ones.

The availability to participate and mobilize for concrete actions, where the personal contribution of each person can be an opportunity for recognition of identity, is linked to dissatisfaction with environments where young people feel, rightly or wrongly, they do not find their place or receive stimuli; this can lead to the renunciation or difficulty of desiring, dreaming and forming projects, as demonstrated by the diffuse phenomenon of NEET (not in education, employment or training, ie: young people not engaged in a study activity , neither work nor vocational training). The gap between passive and discouraged young people and those who are enterprising and active is the outcome of the concrete opportunities offered to each within the social and family context in which they grow, in addition to experiences of meaning, relationship and value made even before entering the youth phase. Lack of self-confidence and ability can be manifested not only by passivity, but also by an excessive preoccupation with their image and by a conformism that lowers one's arms in front of the fashions of the moment.

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